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Your brand message communicates the underlying value your brand stands for to your customers, and to your employees. Defining your brand message supports everything you write, do and share – everywhere. It’s important that you find the right message using the right voice.  

Learn more on Wednesday, February 28, 2018, at 7:30PM Central Time:
Learn the steps it takes to determine what your brand stands for and how you want to present your personality (voice)

Posts of the week

Unlike most startup founders who saw the birth of the internet in the mid-1990s, I am still CEO of my company. My longevity in this position gives me a unique..

Rejecting years of settled precedent, a federal court in New York has ruled [PDF] that you could infringe copyright simply by embedding a tweet in a web page. Even worse, the logic of the ruling applies to all in-line linking, not just embedding tweets. If adopted by other courts, this legally and...

Listen to learn 3 blueprints that will help you acquire more customers, leads, and Facebook Messenger subscribers in your business.

Whitespace (or “negative space”) is an empty space between and around elements of a page. Although many may consider it a waste of valuable screen estate, whitespace is an essential element in design: “Whitespace is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background” — Jan Tschichold Today, I’ll cover how you can use whitespace in your designs... Read More →

By: Jennifer Jenkins, Journalism Partnerships The Facebook Journalism Project is proud to partner with the Society of Professional Journalists, the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, to launch the SPJ Training Program for journalists. This new program will serve as an...

Today’s release of Jetpack 5.8 includes several features that have graduated from beta testing. We are very excited to bring them out for you to try.

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but it’s been a year since we launched StudioPress Sites.

It feels like yesterday, but yet, so much has happened. We began offering monthly billing in June, we

Want to create engaging Facebook videos? Then you have to actually BE engaging. Here are 12 tried-and-true ideas to improve your Facebook videos.

Get the full value out of Facebook advertising with the Facebook Pixel and boost up the growth of your WordPress-powered business. Let's know what the Facebook Pixel actually is and learn three different ways to add it to a WordPress site.

Maybelline says its Snapchat views have dropped and asks followers if the platform is still effective at communicating with customers.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has filed an order to remove net neutrality protections in the US. Originally passed in a 3-2 vote last December, th

The typical approach to diversity in corporate environments can usually be summed up in two ways: lazy and superficial. To be fair, diversity is a difficult word to put into action. Most attempts to…

Go You!

Here's how to align work with your goals and batch your time and tasks purposefully.

As you prepare to file your income tax return, make sure all ducks are in a row by following this list of recommendations.

Scott Winterroth · 180 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 002 · Chicago IL 60606 · USA
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